

Tech and Integrations 512 Means Street, Suite 404, Atlanta, GA 30318

More than 9 million people and businesses around the world use MailChimp to send marketing emails, automated messages, and targeted campaigns. And our detailed reports help you keep improving over time.


  • Sync contacts and mail preferences
  • Sync mail preferences from MailChimp to Mozu
  • Sync order history data
  • Sync segments from Mozu to MailChimp
  • eCom 360

More Info

Classification: Integration
Integrations update Kibo with functionality from a third-party partner.

Support Level: Open Source
Open Source means Kibo allows anyone to make edits to the application under the Kibo Open Source Model.

Certified: No
Certified applications have been reviewed by Kibo to ensure features are complete, stable, and tuned for optimal performance.

Hosted: Yes
Hosted applications run on the Kibo cloud. If the app is not hosted, you need to run the application on your own server.

Additional Development Requirements: MailChimp account required.

Helpful Links: App Configuration Guide

Created by Kibo

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